Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bake Sale Countdown. . .

Bake sale countdown begins tonight! At exactly 12 midnight (Philippine-time), ordering for the bake sale is officially open! 

So how does it work?
. .Each week, we will be baking a set of batches per menu and we will be selling them per piece or if you reach a certain amount, your shipping (yes, delivery *wink*wink*) is on us. 
. .Since the baked goodies will be limited, a first come first serve will be implemented. You have to fill out an order form, first person basing on the time it was submitted gets to be served first. (But you have to be 199% sure of your orders before filling it out)
. .Bake sale is open for Metro Manila residents only.

Simple right? :) So all you have to do now is wait for the time and wait for the menu to come out with their corresponding prices.

Apart from the bake sale, we will now be able to do deliveries on selected areas only. What's disappointing is that the courier only covers Metro Manila areas EXCLUDING Valenzuela, Malabon, and Navotas area. We need your advance instructions when you'd like the items to be delivered, 2 days in advance please.

So, just sit back and await our menu!



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